
family circus

i love beth, my cousin's fiancee. but the bridal shower yesterday was a *BIT* much. actually, i'm in too much pain (seriously) to go off about it, but i do have this to say; if/when i get married, it won't be such a freakin production.

i've been on my back all day. it *SUCKS*. i pulled a whole boatload of muscles in my back, and it hurts to sit or stand. so i've basically spent the past twelve hours lying down. *aside--big shout-out to my girl Kate for bringing up dvds and pizza so that i wouldn't have to torture myself by moving. I LOVE YOU, GIRL!!! anyway. i've been lying down, using a heating pad and doping up on advil like a madwoman. according to my medicallly knowledgeable friends, that's pretty much the only thing i can do. that *SUCKS*. i don't take being sick or injured very well.

get your joke in....

i don't take injuries lying down!


anyway, i had some awesome plans for tomorrow, and unless the tylenol PM kicks in and does right by me by restoring my iron constitution, then i'm screwed. d'oh.

okay, the shooting pain is really getting to be a little much. i'm going to bed. or, well, just staying in bed...


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