
"Sssh!" by Fleming & John

anybody who hasn't heard them needs to hear them. she's awesome, and her husband is amazing on guitar. cool.

so this week was a bitch & a half. it's weird. i have bipolar disorder, i know that i always survive, and i know the ways to cope when i have a bad episode, but all of that is meaningless when something comes up and rides me. and i have no idea what i'm supposed to do or what it means, and i always spiral back to where i started. i'm not sure what progress i make in life sometimes.

on a happier note, here's a fantastic Korean idiom passed along by matt-a-tat: "The dog covered with excrement laughs at the dog covered in chaff." - The pot calling the kettle black. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

i've given up on jose saramago for the time being. i loved blindness, but history of the siege of lisbon is too hard. even for me. ugh. that sounds irredeemably conceited, but seriously. i battled with saramago's passion for metaliterature, and i just can't hack it. i'm just not po-co enough. and i guess i never will be. i'm trying to figure out what i should read next. i have machiavelli sitting on my shelf, right next to plato, and i also have some middle english arthurian legend. i don't think i have anything *new* up there. i'm such a bad example--there are so many books in the "canon" that i haven't read, but i hate a lot of those authors. twain? ick. don't get me started on twain. maybe if i put the stupid laptop down once in awhile, i'd get into some of these books...

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