
stoop, lift, move, drop, run, puke

essentially, that was my past 24 hours. i'm 80% moved into my new apartment, with various and sundry miscellany to pack and cart over and my new big girl bed (long story) still waiting to come from pennsylvania. on thursday, i did a LOT of packing and moving by myself. and then i ran with kim. not too bad. running with kim is always good, and even though i was dog tired, it felt really good. day 1 down. yesterday, my parents came down, and we dismantled the little girl bed that my brother is taking for clara in their new house. we also packed a buttload more of stuff into their minivan, on top of the bed and mattresses, and into my car. luckily, by virtue of the bed going up to PA, we (meaning I) didn't have to haul that thing out of the van.

but, there was still some hauling. then i drive down to cpark to pick up chris, come back to baltimore and pack some more. but this time, i pick up a van from Enterprise. we pick you up, my ass... anyway, the whole point of the van was to accomodate the smaller amount of shit and pay about half as much as i would for even the littlest truck. so chris and i haul my big pieces and some other crap into the van (although he'll tell you he did most of the work--don't believe him). by the time we're heading over to my new place, we're damn hungry, so we stop at a Friday's. Big Mistake.

at this point, we don't care what we put in our mouths, and we both order burgers. me, i've been able to handle burgers lately, although i don't eat them often at all. but, this was not to be. anyway, same night, we put some of my crap in the apartment and basically hit the wall, unable to follow through on our ambition to go back and get load #2. so at midnight, i'm contemplating if i *really* want to run the dreaded dru hills--that meant i'd have to get up at 5:50AM to get ready and head over to the park. but then, i think that it's a major pride issue to say, "i've conquered the dru hills," and the shirt that the women get is always a collectors item. so i say, "i'll set my phone's alarm, and see how i feel when i wake up."

of course i couldn't sleep at ALL. that's what happens when a little baby twin air mattress just can't cut it. not that i don't appreciate it, but it's just not a real bed, and after two draining days, its best efforts couldn't do it. but i get up, and i have this obscene burst of energy and perkiness and am bouncing at the door. meanwhile chris is practically snarling at me for dragging his ass along because of car/van-pooling logistics. anyway, i get to dru hill park, i'm pumped, i run this bastard 10K very intelligently, i feel really good and am not even winded after i sprint to the finish, and chris and i go get the van and my car and head back to the apt.

it wasn't on the smooth highways that i started to feel pukey--oh no. it was on the bumps and potholes of reisterstown road. i felt Every Single One. this beautifully delicious cheeseburger from last night started to show its mr. jekyl head, and upon reaching the apartment, i had to sprint inside so as not to puke everywhere in the parking lot. ewwwwwwwww. problem: there was still heavy stuff in the van to move in. i was able to help here and there, but i spent most of my time illin' while chris was bringing the rest of the furniture in. i still feel guilty for that. but shhh. don't tell him.

so, i've been feeling like junk all afternoon and evening, but it's getting better. my guy takes really good care of me, and there are too many high points to be upset about the pukey burger, the rest of which i'm going to eat once i get back to my place.

the dru hills must have done some weird stuff to my head...


Unknown said...

Wait... you threw up half a burger then ate the rest? That's brave. And also sorta nasty.

Anonymous said...

yes, I must say that if I had puked up said burger, Nick would have had to eat the rest. Although since this is me we're talking about, the likelihood of there being leftover burger is not so good. Which would be why you are the kickass runner and I am not so much.

Unknown said...

OMG, and Nick will eat anything. And Mary, I'd eat the whole burger, too. That's why Nick and I are one in the same. Will you marry me?

Nick said...

Ok, the wierdness is spreading. Did you all get this from the Wacky Neighbor Blog? Is this some kind of "Ring" thing? Where you have to be wierd on a blog or you'll be cursed?