
i'm back! but not for long....

Survey Survey Survey

I am fortunate to have a survey to steal from Kim so that I have something to post after so long...

1.Where did you take your default pic? In front of the Belaggio (sp?) on my fabulous `04 trip to Vegas.
2.What exactly are you wearing right now? My khaki shorts and Chris's Florida shirt.
3.What is your current problem? I'm so tired.
4.What makes you most happy? Running and working out, sleep and hugs. And other stuff.
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to? No music--I'm in the library. SHHHH!!!!
6.Any celeb you would marry? It'd be a tough act to follow Cheryl Crow, but hey--I think I could stand marrying Lance Armstrong.
7.Name someone with the same birthday as you? exactly--childhood friend Ben Smith. not exactly--chris. oh and steve handy. weird.
8.Ever sang in front of a large audience? Several times. I wasn't even booed off the stage!
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I've been compared to Jodie Foster, but I can't see it.
10.Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? I think today's "kiddy" movies are more sophisticated than "kiddy" movies. So of course I do.
11.Do you speak any other languages? I know snippets of Spanish, French and Russian.
12.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Grandma Hixson and, sadly quite recently, Grandpa Beatty
13.Do you ever watch MTV? Um... no.
14.What's something that really annoys you? Hearing other people's TV/stereo/etc. through my walls loud enough for me to repeat the words verbatim.

Chapter 1:
1.Middle name: Cates
2.Nickname(s): JoJo, Jo, Joey, Toots, Gimp
3. Location: Library
4.Eye color: *Oceany* Blue

Chapter 2:
1.Do you live with your parents: No! That's what the Kyle Boller Replacement Party is all about!!!
2.Do/Did you get along with your parent(s): Yes. We have our moments, but we're a tight knit bunch.
3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced: married for almost 37 years. They're old. :)
4.Do you have any Siblings?: Older brother (almost 30)

Chapter 3:
1. Ice Cream: tin roof sundae
2.Season: spring/fall
3.Shampoo/conditioner: some overpriced salon brand that works so much absolute magic that i don't mind paying $11 per bottle

Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower? No, but I do dance naked around my apartment.
2.Write on your hand: If I absoLUTEly have to remember something, yes.
3.Call people back: Not my favorite thing to do if it's a business call.
4.Believe in love: I hadn't been in it in years, but yes, it's definitely real.
5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed: just me--next to the vanity (closest to the door); not just me--furthest from the door.
6. Any bad habits: Laziness.

Chapter 5: Have You...
1.Broken a bone: Yes--I had a hairline fracture in my ankle in Feb `05, thanks to the snow-covered pothole.
2.Sprained stuff: Really? If you knew me, you wouldn't have to asked. Of course I've sprained everything.
3.Had physical therapy?: Yes. If it hadn't been for Sports Medicine at UMBC, I'd resemble a bucket of bolts more than the goddess of sports and wisdom that I am today. HA!
4.Gotten stitches: Yes, when I had to have a tooth surgically removed.
5.Taken painkillers: YES. Don't remember what it was, but apparently, I made a lot of phone calls that I don't remember. Sorry, Chris. :)
6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: Snorkeling in Puerto Rico--one of the most amazing things I've ever done in my life. I'll have to wait until I actually have $$$ to go scuba diving!
7.Been stung by a bee: Yes. If it weren't for honey, I'd destroy them all. Bastards.
8. Thrown up at the Dentist? No.
9.Sworn in front of your parents: Yeah. Remarkably, sometimes they still think of me as their sweet little girl. I really have them fooled. Jk.
10.Had detention: No.
11.Been sent to the principal's office: Yes, but only to be told that I was being torn asunder from my dearly held circle of friends and transferred to the classroom across the commons area--the "honors" class. Stupid first grade cursed me for life.
12.Been called an idiot: yeah, but these days, people don't even need to say anything. All they have to do is look and laugh. And then I punch them.

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