
hail the process

so of course. the year that i can't vote thanks to red tape and moving, yada yada yada, things actually go the way i want them to go. excellent. o'malley's in annapolis, cardin's still in dc, rummy is OUT OUT OUT, and all is right with the world, or at least we would like to think so. is iraq policy going to change much? are we going to ever figure out what the hell we're going to about immigration, if anything at all? is there going to be a major rewind on no child left behind?

probably not.

but, at least there's a different crowd. so maybe nancy pelosi, et al, can do something. we'll see. and in the meantime, here is a beautiful representation of change coming to the legislative branch:


enjoy. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

psst. I forgot to say happy birthday yesterday. so i'm saying it now.