
hershey's kisses

i did this a long time ago, and now the Post is just spreading the word. the Chocolate Treatment at the Hershey Spa is one of the best experiences. ever. in the universe. this side of creation.

i got a gift certificate to the Hershey Spa as a graduation present, and i can't thank my parents enough. i got the scrub-down (my body exfoliated with ground cocoa bean shells) and the wrap (the chocolate fondue wrap, to be specific). the wrap was my favorite part: after a delicious massage, my lovely masseuse/chocolatier literally painted my body with chocolate. then, i was wrapped in this metallic "blanket" (i'm not sure exactly how you'd categorize it) and then wrapped again in a feather-touch blanket. the lights were dimmed, and i was left in peace and quiet. the only reason why i didn't sleep like a log was that i was too busy enjoying the feeling of being a bon-bon. after awhile, that ended, and i was treated with a mountain shower, to cleanse me of that now-hardened outer layer.

my favorite part of the whole experience was the after-effect; i smelled like dark chocolate for almost two days afterward. i would do it again in a heartbeat.

if i had $150...




1 comment:

Nick said...

Okay...I'm not even going to go here. Too many options to get into trouble.