
this is getting ridiculous

so this past week was supposed to be the great relaxing beach vacation that i haven't had IN years. and, thank you, murphy's law, it wasn't.

set up: mom & dad got a fantastic little condo in OC for a week, and chris & i were going down for a few days. geoff & co. were going to be there for a few days too.

get down there. dad is already having major stomach issues and thus travels between his bedroom and bathroom. geoff & co. aren't coming down until the next day. but chris & i enjoy a beautiful walk on the beach. aww. next day. on the beach with chris. awesome. geoff & co. arrive, and the family dynamics kick in. put fairly behaviorally-conservative big brother and outspoken, offbeat boyfriend in close quarters for a few hours and blend. oil and water. huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge tension. discomfort. tears on my part. WHY can't things gel as well i want? geoff all quietly, but obviously, perturbed, and chris uncomfortable. fantastic. me. IN TEARS. oh, and fyi-dad in the ER because of his gastro-intestinal problems.


however, that night: two-on-two with chris & me and geoff & mia. it's pretty obvious that the men are making an effort to not rock the boat and get to know each other and the women are helping with conversation segues and bump-smoothers. thankfully, it goes okay, and by the time chris & i leave for a night out, there's a subtle sigh of relief on both camps that things are pretty okay. apparently, i was the one that was the most uncomfortable and was perceiving more of a problem then there was.

next day: dad still in the ER but in okay condition, but he has some kind of rupture/etc. that has to be surgically repaired. poor dad. mom, the trooper, at the hospital with him. me in emotional crisis. brother and boyfriend adjusting. yick. but, all of us, sans mom & dad, get some beautiful beach time. we all vacate the condo after awhile. it seems that everything has been so up and down and may settle any way.

that night: i'm driving home, and chris & i get lost TWICE. stupid delaware. delaware sucks. oh. and i get a ticket. $110. stupid delaware. it takes FOUR AND A HALF HOURS TO GET HOME. we don't get back until 2AM.

this caps off the most emotionally roller-coaster-istic summer in my life. *parting* ways with a roommate, no job, finding a new place, doing a lot of the moving mostly myself, getting a job and finding out less than 10 minutes later that my grandpa had passed away, the most amazing relationship moment in my life, this vacation.

whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.



Wacky Neighbor said...

I actually don't think that everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Below are a list of things that I think do not make you stronger, even if they don't kill you:

* atrophied muscle
* coma
* donuts
* Steven Seagal
* a ray gun that zaps your strength

Nick said...

I think Chuck Norris would make you stronger if he didn't kill you. Seriously, Chuck Norris teaches martial arts to Bob Barker. I AM NOT making this up.

That being said, that is a pretty rocky vacation, and for that matter summer. However, you've survived and that's all anyone has to do day in and day out. Everything else is an accomplishment.