
more pix--grad student halloween, 2004

so you thought academics were stiff nerds. suckers! these fabulous people are exactly that--fabulous. what is jess's costume? can you guess? i'll give you a hint--anyone who was 5 in the 80s and loved little plastic horses... no? haven't you ever heard of MY LITTLE FREAKIN PONIES?!!! philistine...

and here's groucho mike marx. marks? marx? i have no idea. anyway, mike loves henry james. he must be drunk.

this is margaret, dressed as some little girl from a book about little girls. she wore bloomers. and showed them to us. with her is karen, dressed as the *green-eyed monster*. can ya guess what that's from? i'll give you a hint--it's a Shakespeare reference. from a play with a black dude, a virgin and a hell-bent bastard. still nothing??? Othello, you. and, you get 10 bonus points if you knew that the green-eyed monster is jealousy personified. not only do we scholars know how to party (read: get drunk really fast and have no clue what we're doing), but we also have very intellectual costumes. awesome.

and lastly, with no shame at all, here's me, with my amateur attempt at a costume. i don't even remember what i was supposed to be. any clues? and no, the streamers were not part of the original costume.

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