
according to scientific research, today sucks.


Dateline: January 17, 2006 ... New York, NYContact Name: Lori Ames, Jane Wesman Public Relations, Inc.Contact Phone: 212-620-4080 x12E-mail: lori@wesmanpr.com

Dr. Kathleen Hall, Founder and President of The Stress Institute, and author of "A Life In Balance", is available to help readers avoid the January 24th blues.

NEW YORK, NY - January 17, 2006 - Using a variety of emotional and stress factors, recent research published in "Health" magazine proclaims January 24th to be the most depressing day of the year. People feel as if there is a shadow over them; with low light levels creating Seasonal Affective Disorder, holiday bills hitting the mailbox, and New Year's resolutions already broken, depression is rampant. While post holiday blues are common, stress expert Dr. Kathleen Hall, author of the new book "A Life In Balance", says there are many steps people can take to create happiness in their dreary lives during the darkest and coldest days of the year.

"People experienced sensory overload during the holidays: the lights, the smells of pine and peppermint, sounds of music, the aromas, sight and taste of foods, and the touch and connection with others. By January, they are now experiencing a flat, hollow, sad feeling," says Hall.

Dr. Hall offers these tips to create happiness and energy:
1. Food: Try new foods that haven't been eaten before. Get the family to choose a cuisine and everyone can cook it together. Try mango salad or black bean lasagna.
2. Color: Add color. Purchase an inexpensive tablecloth with happy bright colors, maybe orange or yellow. Keep bright flowers on the kitchen table. Find some inexpensive bright colored pillows to throw on the couch. Accessorize with a bright scarf or shoes.
3. Have Fun: Schedule one or two nights a week to turn off the television and have game night. Play board games, cards, or watch a funny movie (research shows this will get the endorphins going).
4. Introspection Time: Have each family member choose a word to describe 2005 and what their word is for the coming year, 2006, and explain why he or she chose each word.
5. Time Alone: Each family member takes ten minutes, Monday, Wednesday and Friday (pick any three days of the week) to take a bath, read, paint, or take a nap to help recharge in these draining times.

borrowed from the washington post; article from the blog can be found at: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/rawfisher/

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