
apparently, some MBAs need to re-take Business 101...

even if you're not obsessed with the stock market, you are obsessed with your wallet. don't deny it. and don't be ashamed; we're all consumed by that little fold of pleather in our purses/pockets, no matter how otherwise transcendent we say we are. i've learned that this tiny little fascination is okay, since, truthfully, neglect of finances is just as bad as tearing one's hair out over them. but i digress.

i've been on a kick to get financially fit lately, and in one of my first forays into business/money publications, i found a great source of relief. ignorant as i am of particular money terms, trends and take-downs, i am most CERTAINLY....

NOT AS DUMB AS THESE PEOPLE: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/101dumbest/full_list/

please let me enjoy my little moment of superiority. thx.

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