
the chimera of tyler durden

explain why tyler durden in both of his forms is so intriguing to me, and i'm not referring to the actors from the movies. that would be too obvious an answer.

on another random note, i did 2:1s for 20 minutes with toby. he seemed to do fine, even though he hasn't run in awhile. it might not have been the smartest thing for me to do because my butt hurts a bit now. but, you have to break a few eggs...



Wacky Neighbor said...

I don't think anyone could explain why something is intriguing to someone else. Clearly Tyler (Brad Pitt) is a very charasmatic leader with a lot to say (most of which is iconoclastic). The narrator (Ed Norton) ... is kind of the everyman, but also very smart. We relate to him in the movie and it's how we're grounded in Fight Club despite the fact that everything going on around us is quite crazy. Is that it?

Anonymous said...

Tyler very Freudian, just listen to his speech as he burns Edward Norton with the lye. At least it sounded that way when I was a college-age pseud. He's an id allowed to operate in modern society. In fact, he's almost admirable until Project Mayhem gets out of hand and Meat Loaf is killed. Sort of a more acceptable version of the noble savage concept.

Ed Norton has appeal because he is trying to be "manly" in a world that would soon be called metrosexual. The fact that he finds comfort with emasculated testicular cancer survivors pretty much shows how he feels. Like the audience, he admires Tyler at first, but is the becomes aware of the danger Tyler becomes. He acts about as realistically as can be expected in the bizarre situation he is in. Plus he gets to beat up Jared Leto, which has it's own allure.

It should be pointed out that the both of them really made you notice cigarette burns while watching movies in the theater