
have you ever met a dancing nancy?

neither have i.

i'm feeling rather beat up lately. nothing is horribly wrong; life is just happening, that's all, and i think we're all allowed to feel shitty every now and then.

what puts a smile on my face is my spreading popularity in MATH4202. more specifically, my popularity as an accomplice in the harrassment of chris on his turf (his very office!) is simply blooming! exponentially! excellent.

but seriously. chris really does make me smile. and hey--a party for him--> he's finished his master's thesis and will be getting his degree shortly!!!! after this, no more TA-ing. he's a research assistant who'll begin working on his dissertation. which means i'll see him for two hours on a bi-monthly basis. just kidding. but sort of not. but sort of.

anyway, amidst all of the hard work he's doing, he's just been ____ (adj.) and has ____ (past tense verb) my ____ (noun) so ____ (superlative), and that just makes me ____ (adj.).

*mad libs can be a very bad thing.*

1 comment:

Nick said...

FYI, never EVER EVER give me a mad libs. Ask Wacky Neighbor why.