
new mountain to climb

so i've pretty much had this decided since thanksgiving, but it's coming into focus more and more* my new physical challenge to conquer is the sprint triathlon* sure, many people have completed tris and do them all the time, so much so that, to them, tris are no more exciting then a spoonful of dirt* but for me, it's so much more*

years ago, i decided i wanted to try a marathon* i hemmed and hawwed (sp?) and finally fell into the training* i wasn't fully convinced of some of the philosophies behind stuff, and consequently, my heart wasn't completely in it* i finished, and i was really proud of myself, and i keep the medal and everything like that* but the tri is different* it's something i didn't expect to want, and there's something new and scary about it* i like that* when i run/crawl across the finish line, it will be mine* whether or not i ever do another one, i'll have accomplished something i didn't think i'd do*

with the marathon, i never had dreams of doing six or twenty or anything like that* i didn't have any visions of bumping things up to ultras (50-100+ mile marathons)* but, depending on how hooked i get (and i really think i could get hooked), it would be amazing to someday do an ironman* can you imagine? i don't know that i'd ever be good enough to qualify for the gatorade ironman in hawaii, but why not? how would that not be amazing? how unreal would that be to push my body to its limits? i so want to find out how that feels***

now can somebody get me a bike? :)

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