
happy valentine's day. here's a stolen survey. kim totally has me pegged....


Stolen from Kim who stole it from Sandra.

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...

was really sweet, and, on the whole, they're getting even sweeter.

2. I am listening to.....

Beyonce, naughty girl

3. I talk.....
too much, apparently. but too bad.

4. I love.....
when toby snuggles up next to me and i'm under my fuzzy blanket, and we fall asleep, all nice and cozy.

5. My best friend.....
would have to be plural. i'm really bad at choosing who's the "best." that's kind of silly when it comes to friends, right?

6. My first real kiss.....
sucked. thanks, brian.

8. I hate it when people ask.....
me to redo things according to their directions, even though i've done things perfectly efficiently and correctly.

9. Love is.....
hard, but it's sure as hell worth it.

10. Marriage is.....
well, can be elusive.

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking.....
what to have for dinner.

12. I'll always.....
be a perfectionist, no matter how much i try to chill out.

13. I have a crush.....
on physical challenges (e.g., marathons and triathlons).

14. The last time I cried was because.....
a family issue. i don't want to talk about it.

15. My cell phone.....
is BRAND-SPANKIN' NEW, and i love it!!!

16. When I wake up in the morning.....
i'm semi-conscious until toby annoys me enough to take him out.

17. Before I go to bed.....
try to get toby to jump up next to me. see prompt #4.

18. Right now I am thinking about.....
how much cleaning i want to get done on my DAY OFF FROM SCHOOL!!! i love snow.

19. Babies are.....
scaring me, mostly because pregnancy might be a little dangerous for me.

20. I get on myspace.....
i get on myspace? are you kidding? i have no myspace page and never will.

21. Today I.....
got up, jumped up and down when wbal said SCHOOLS CLOSED, went back to bed until 11AM, went to the gym for 3 hours, got the oil in my car changed, and made lunch.

22. Tonight I will.....
be cleaning my entire apartment. i'm feeling ambitious.

23. Tomorrow it will be....
tough to keep the kids on track since they had a snow-day today.

24. I really want to be.....
able to conquer any athletic events that comes my way--considering some of the other health hurdles i deal with, surmounting physical challenges is such an intoxicating high.

25. Someone that will most likely repost this is.....
somebody that i don't know.


Unknown said...

"21. Today I.....
got up, jumped up and down when wbal said SCHOOLS CLOSED, went back to bed until 11AM, went to the gym for 3 hours, got the oil in my car changed, and made lunch."

OMG, that sounds like the BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Nick said...

I saw the Capitol Limited on the way home today. She was 6 hours late getting into DC and we caught her at Silver Spring.

That's a good day.

Joey said...

it was the best day ever!