
i like stealing surveys.

New Survey...
From Kim from Lisa.

Ever really cried your heart out? Yes but emotions can be highly relative for me sometimes.

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: see above

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes

Ever cried over the opposite sex? that's a stupid question

Do you cry when you get an injury?: it depends on a few things--did i cause it (in that case, no, because i'm a dumb-ass, so i can't claim the privilege of crying) and how severe is it (does it bench me for an entire season and preclude me from doing my big races)

Do certain songs make you cry?: yes

Are you a happy person?: i'm hopeful, but that doesn't always mean happy.

Do you wish you were happier: not really.

Can music make you happy?: depends on the song

How many times have you had your heart broken?: three times

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: yes. still do.

Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?: yes.

Who do you actually hate?: he knows who he is.

Ever made a hit list?: no, that's a puerile thing to do.

Have you ever been on a hit list?: i have no idea, but if i was and found out about it, i wouldn't care.

Are you a mean bully?: no.

Do you hate George Bush?: i only really hate one person, and it ain't W. as for W, he probably is a nice person. i just can't even comprehend how he justifies 99% of his administration's policies.

Is your self-esteem extremely low?: no. i've overcome too much to let that happen.

Do you believe in yourself?: say it in a less cheesy way, and i'll say yes.

Do you wish you could be someone else?: no. i'm a knock-out.

What is your current hair color?: i'm a brunette

Whats your natural color?: brown with natural blond highlights

what is your eye color?: ocean blue

Current Piercings?: one hole in each ear

Straight Hair or Curly?: fine and straight

What shirt are you wearing?: favorite geoffrey beene sweater, candy apple red

Shoes?: black boots

Necklace(s): none

Rock or rap: rock.

Coffee or Hot Cocoa: cafe mocha (kinda both. i win.)

Wild Night out or Romantic Night: romantic. duh.

Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate.

Hummer or Sports Car: Sports car.

Bracelet or Necklace: bracelet.

History or Science: history.

Sleep in or Early to rise: sleep in!!

Beach or Boardwalk: beach

Hoodie or Tee Shirt: Tee Shirt.

Night or Day: Night

High School or college: College

California or Florida: california

Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: neither.

Love at first sight or Learn to Love: learning to love; it's far more interesting/entertaining, and i also think it's longer lasting.

Hugged someone?: yes.

Been on the phone until the sun came up?: yes

Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?: no.

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: no

Got in a fight with someone? not really.

person you talked to in person?: tasha. she was telling me about the accident she was in this morning. she's okay, thank goodness!

person you talked to online?: dustin fisher, about random stuff. baltimore misses dustin.

person you talked to on the phone? my mom. i miss her.

drink?: Alcohol: almost two weeks ago, beer with my dad. Non alcoholic: coffee this morning

last time you had a shower?: last night before bed.

Do you like surveys: yesh

Do you get along with your parents?: very much.

Are you old enough to vote?: yes

Do you have mental breakdowns? seriously? don't we know me by now? of course i do. but for me, they're real, and they suck, and i hate them.

Do you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: i stopped trying at a very early age because my mom was a teacher and could always tell when some kid (especially her own) was trying to BS her.

Current Mood: moody.

Current music: bjork, "enjoy" (Post).

Current hair: pulled back

Current Annoyance: lack of sleep + chilly office

Current Longing: fuzzy blanket and Chris

Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: nothing (no work in the queue)

Current favorite word (MY addition to this survey): queue. how many vowels are silent here? 75% of them. that's pretty inefficient and yet interesting. i could probably write queueueueueueueueueueueueue, and you'd say it the same way. go phonics!

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