
another survey from kim

50 Questions: From Kim's blog, from Lisa's myspace.

1. Story behind your MySpace song? i just like steve miller band

2. What's bothering you right now? my R hamstring

3. Do you close the door when you pee? not discussing personal hygiene habits. eww.


4. Wallet? crimson

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop? savage chickens' thoreau cartoon

6. Background on your cell phone? an extreme close-up of toby

7. Jewelry worn daily? usually a watch, maybe earrings

8. Where was your default picture was taken? years ago, at a conference track meet

9. Eyes: 'oceany' blue :)

10. Life: messy but in a good way

11. House: it's not--it's an apartment. but it's relaxed and comfortable.


12. Doing this weekend? running, swimming, seeing 'transformers', reading, probably doing something w/ brian and probably rom too

13. Wearing? long brown shorts and baller t-shirt

14. Wanting? deep tissue massage

15. Where are you? at home

16. Listening to? DDT (jurassic 5)

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named brittney? No.

18. What do you smell like? me

19. Eating? nope

20. What is your favorite thing? words

21. Do you believe in a soul mate? if there is such a thing, i haven't met mine yet. no rush.

23. Do you remember your dreams? mostly

24. Do you believe dreams come true? yeah. only catch is that you have to make the real ones come true on your own. those are the best kind.

25. Do you believe in miracles? yeah

26. Do you burn easily in the sun? once in the summer, and then i'm okay for the rest of the season

27. Do you speak another language other than English? bits and pieces of spanish, french and russian

28. What's something you wish you could understand better? human nature

29. What did you do last weekend? ran with the truffers, and i don't really remember the rest, aside from picking brian up from the airport

30. Who do you miss? nobody in particular right now

31. Have you ever been in a talent show? nope

32. Orange or apple juice? orange

33. Do you like the person who took this survey before you? yeah :)

34. What was the last text message you received? corey about passing his boards

35. Last text message you sent? 'congrats!' to corey

37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue? my baller shirt

38. What was the last thing you ate? subway club

39. Last person you hugged? my dad

40. Whose house did you go to last night? my parents'

41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? my dad (a LONG time ago)

42. Do you like someone right now? well, hopefully a bunch of people. otherwise i'd be pretty alone and miserable.

43. What do you wear more, shorts, jeans or sweatpants? summer--shorts; fall & spring--jeans; winter--sweats

44. What is the last movie you watched? tristan & isolde

45. Have you ever punched a baby? que the hell?!

46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? thrift store

47. Xbox 360 or NFL game tickets? NFL game tickets (preferably eagles or ravens).

48. Do you believe that you can change someone? nope

49. Who was the last person to make you laugh? collective effort of dad & toby

50. Where will your next vacation be located? hopefully the Valley of Fire state park; other than that, i don't have $$$ to entertain the idea.

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