
as if i haven't stolen enough surveys.

1. Worst damage you ever took in a fight?
no fights.

2. Most money you ever owed a utility company?
well, i don't know about utilities, but i once had a $150 cell bill

3. Last time you got kicked out of a bar?

4. Longest time you slept in a car?
six hours

5. Most f'ed up nickname you've ever been given?
tie: pookie and boo boo kitty fuck. those two exes may burn in hell for that. (well, not the second one. but kind of.)

6. Worst job you ever had?
playground director in Avon. i could handle the shitty adults at my one other job, but in avon, the kids were so bad that i had to call the cops on them. several times.

7. Shortest job you've ever had?
library assistant

8. Longest romantic relationship?
me and the man responsible for bbkf. surprisingly, that lasted 3 1/2 years. almost engaged in fact. yikes.

9. Shortest romantic relationship?
10th grade, brian marquette. 2 weeks.

10. Food that you would eat til you puked?
i can't even think of eating that much. barf.

11. Food that even looking at makes you puke?
eel. vomit.

12. What music saved your life?
third day- 'love song'

13. Person you miss the most in the world?
my grandma. we were really close. it's hard to believe that it'll be three years in august...

14. Worst movie you've ever seen?
rob roy, only because it was a horrible end to a chance to really one-up steve. story: when steve and i were dating, we made a bet as to which flavor was the gatorade original. he said orange, i said lemon-lime. whoever one won got to pick the movie. so i picked rob roy because it seemed like it'd be a fun adventure period piece. yeah... not so much. it was so bad that, not only did i not get to lord my intellectual win over steve, but i also got made fun of for so incredibly botching my chance to pick a chick flick and torture him. D-.

15. Best movie you've ever seen?
that's tough...i can't decide.

16. Craziest shit you've ever done sober?
marathon, hands down. i must still be insane because i'm doing another one this year...give me a white jacket already, will ya?

17. Ever almost die?
i don't want to talk about it.

18. Ever fistfight a member of the opposite sex?
no, but i've given a guy one hell of a bitch slap. left a red handprint on his face.

19. Best place you have ever lived?
cardiff, maryland. it's a pretty depressed little town these days, but it holds some of my best memories from childhood.

25. At your poorest, were you a ramen noodle or Mac and cheeze aficionado?
umm... still am a ramen girl...

26. Most money you have ever spent on a single meal?
i don't know, but the most i've ever been a part of was two weeks ago, at spezie's, when joy & lanny treated me & chris to this amazing dinner.

27. Best gift you ever got?
my first cabbage patch doll, jenna belvia, when i was 5. apparently, my mom had to be at toys 'r us at 5AM to get her; that was the first year they came out. luckily she didn't have to get in a cat-fight with other moms. well, she would have won anyway.

28. Best pet you ever had?
had implies in the past, so of course it's lady. best dog in the world.

29. Ever run from the cops?

30. Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006?
in chris's arms. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (puke).

31. How did you get the idea for your profile name?
joey--one of my favorite nicknames EVER, from josh miller, one of my favorite people EVER.

32. What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
third day--love song

33. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
he wasn't a celebrity in the way people think of it, and i didn't cry, but the death of jpII made me think about a lot of things...

34. What color underwear are you wearing?
white vs v string with a little blue and green flower on the left hip

35. Do you own an ipod?
no :( :( :(

36. What did you do this morning?
walked toby, took a shower, went to work, got the bejeezus scared out of me when i looked at my checking account balance and then very reluctantly paid some bills.

37. What does your mom do for a living?
middle school math teacher--she's been teaching 7th and 8th graders for nearly 30 years. she's a saint.

38. Where do you work?
Reznick Group, but not for long. :(

39. What ended your last relationship?
being taken for granted and mislead, plus my own baggage. not fun.

40. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number?

41. What was the last concert you attended?
ainzlee, in march at fletcher's

42. Who was with you?

43. What was the last movie you watched?
the million dollar hotel. huge disappointment. and mel gibson did a REALLY bad job.

44. Who do you dislike at the moment?
the asshole who tried to grope me on the metro. i screamed at him on the platform though and embarrassed the hell out of him. i feel better.

45. What food do you crave right now?
chris's sweet love. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (vomit).

46. Did you dream last night?
no, but i had some very unsettling dreams this past weekend.

47. What was the last TV show you watched?
the today show. we'll miss you katie couric. well, no not really.

48. What is your fav piece of jewelry?
the jewelry my grandmother left me.

49. What is to the left of you?
a garfield cartoon

50. What was the last thing you ate?

51. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
steve. always. funny how bad relationships can turn into best friendships.

52. Who last IMed you?
steve. duh.

53. Are you on any medication?
yes. enough to make me vomit.

54. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
at my house, i have a small bed, so i'm on every side. at chris's, on the left (farthest from the bedroom door).

55. What color shirt are you wearing?

56. What color is your razor?

57. What is your favorite frozen treat?
tie: DQ oreo blizzard and Turkey Hill tin roof sundae

58. how many tattoos and piercings do you have?
standard ear piercings. i've wanted a very specific tattoo since i was 19, but i haven't ever had the money to get it because it's my own custom design.

59. What's your favorite store?
victoria's secret

60. Are you thirsty right now?

61. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
someday, but not anytime soon. like years.

62. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
my grandma and grandpa beatty

63. What did you do last night?
watched million dollar hotel

64. Do you care what people think about you?
sometimes yes. other times, screw them.

65. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
of course. what were you thinking?

66. Do you like your nose?

67. What color is your bedroom?
68. When was the last time you worked out?
yesterday. i did an easy run around the harbor to watch all the volvo ocean race hoopla. pretty awesome.

69. What are your font colors on AIM?

70. Where do you live?
hampden (northern baltimore)

71. Are you an aggressive driver?
maybe a little. but i never drive like i'm in the handy 500.

72. Who is your cell phone carrier?

73. Do you like the person who posted this last?
yes :)

74. What is across the room from you?
BIG windows facing the harbor.

75. What is the thing you'd most want to change about yourself?
being able to relax and not have so many hang-ups. i'd like to just take things as they are.

76. What color is your car?

77. What do you smell like right now?

78. What is your favorite color?
oceany blue

79. money or health?

80. Where was your last kiss?
my living room

81. What are you listening to right now?:
random office noises. it's pretty quiet though.

82. Whats your favorite number?

83. When was the last time you smiled?
this morning, to the coffee lady at boheme cafe

84. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my dad

85 What is your worst habit?
getting overly anxious about even good things. really good things...

86 Do you drink?
not very often. i get sick very very very easily.

87 Do you smoke?
eww, no.

88 When was the last time, if ever, you blacked out?
i've passed out after races. is that the same as blacking out?

89 Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

90 Your Hair color?
i'm a brunette with some natural golden highlights (esp. in the summer)

91 Eye Color?
oceany blue

92 Do you wear contacts?:

93 Favorite Holiday?
probably memorial day. i do a great race at the VA with my dad every year, and then we usually have a great bbq afterward.

94 Favorite Month?:

95 Have you ever cried for no reason?:
of course. we're talking about me here.

96 Favorite Day of the Year?
Good Friday. very meaningful for me.

97 Are you too shy to ask someone out?:
not really. apparently, i was kind of aggressive with chris, even though i didn't really realize it.

98 Last advice you received?
get myself into a classroom. chris's half-brother's mom told me that i'm a born teacher, and i think she's right.

99 What was the highlight of your weekend?:
going to NJ with chris. probably the best easter in my life.

100 Chocolate or Vanilla?:
if it's softserve, then both.

101 What is the last text message you received?
i don't remember

102 What is the last text message you sent?:
"they're cutting my hours in half" :(

103 Who was the last person to call you?
my dad

104 What was the last sports game you watched?
ncaa women's bball championships. md beat duke!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!

105 When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
in NJ this past weekend

106 Favorite movies
amelie, phantom of the opera, pirates of the caribbean, the spanish prisoner, troy (for less than honorable reasons)

107 Favorite football Team?
eagles! eagles! eagles!

108 What were you doing before this?
crying while paying bills

109 Any pets?
toby (neurotic 3 year old pup)

110 Favorite Drink?
vino verde: crisp, dry and cheap. i love the portuguese. :)

111 Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?

112 Dogs or cats?:

113 Favorite flower?:
lily, right chris? **cough cough**...

114 When was the last time you got in trouble?
when i skipped work to go to the ER. yeah. my ex-boss screamed at me for having a bad infection and needing urgent medical attention...

115 Have you ever loved someone?

116 Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
no, but i have very fond memories.

117 Have you ever fired a gun?

118 do you like to travel by plane?
sometimes, but i LOVE traveling by train.

119 What websites do you go to frequently, besides myspace?
drudge report, washington post, baltimore sun

120 How many pillows do you sleep with?

121 Are you missing someone?

122 How was your day?
jury's still out

123. State your name:

124. age:

125. height:
5'6 3/4"

126. favorite food:
most anything pasta

127. favorite color:
oceany blue. we went over that already

128. current profession:
none, really. i want desperately to be a literature professor though.

129. where are you right now, physically?
in my cube at work along the harbor.

130. if you are listening to music, what is it? If not, what's the last song you heard?
500 Miles by those scottish dudes

131. what are you wearing?
black and white swirly skirt, black sweater & white top, black boots.

132. Given that straight in front of you = 12 o'clock, name an object at:
3 o'clock: accountant's calculator
9 o'clock: garfield cartoon

133. Describe the wall covering (paint/wallpaper) of the room you're in:
utilitarian white

134. Does your chair squeak?

135. Are you currently drinking/eating? if so, what?
vienna roast coffee. mmmmmmmmmmmm.

136. Is your desk/working surface clean or messy?
generally clean. i'm clearing it out for when they're done with me here. :(

137. Aside from yourself, is there an animal in the room?
no. pets are personas (?) non grata in the workplace.

138. Did the implication made in question 138 offend you in any way?

139. If you are listening to music, hit pause for a second. Sit quietly, without typing or doing anything.
Just the fan on the furnace.
what's the question?

140. In general terms, how are you feeling today?
fine, except my back hurts. i'm an old lady.

141. Can you see a window (the outside kind, not the computer kind) from where you're sitting?
no. it's behind the wall of my cube

142. Name 3 words to describe yourself:
passionate, genuine, loyal

143. Name 3 words you think other people would use to describe you:
listener, loyal, giving

144. What do you do for fun when you're not on myspace?
run, read, write, play with toby, hang out with chris

145. Wallflower or Party Animal?
quasi-party animal

146. Describe your perfect date (the events, not the person):
sitting in the car after a late dinner at bennigan's, listening to music i've never heard before

147. Describe your perfect evening alone:
jazz after hours on wypr, lounging in my fuzzy blanket with toby curled next to me, reading a really good book

148. For each of the following sets of 4 words, put a B by the one that BEST describes you and an L by the one that LEAST describes you:





PATIENT B (maybe not, but more than the other two)

149. Clear your mind. Now type the first single word that comes to mind when you hear the following words:

a. angel : grace
b. guilty : fun
c. pants : off
d. dolphin : tuna
e. naked : comfortable
f. live : well
g. good : food
h. pasta : running
i. birth : new

150. What do you consider your best quality? i give very good advice. it's a wonder i don't take my own...

151. What do you consider your worst quality? i'm afraid of something that could become really amazing.

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