
sunshine...on my shoulders...in new jersey

actually, i don't even know for sure if i'm going to newark this weekend. but if i do, you will definitely hear about it on monday.

so the sun is finally coming out. for those of you who don't know me well, here's one of my defining qualities: i hate the cold. snow is fun and pretty and useful for playing. for about a day. and then it becomes dirty and gross and a major impediment to jobs (re=money) and transportation. the dissipation (sp?) of fun is what kills it for me because then there's no buffer to the drippy noses and the wet and the freezing and the i have to walk the dog at oh my god o'clock and when i come back my butt has frozen over. so, draw the obvious conclusion and realize that i am absolutely thrilled at the spring thaw.

another reason why i'm ecstatic at the weather change is the requisite wardrobe switch. slowly, the heavy coats, fuzzy scarves and worn out gloves find their way into the giant tupperware in the basement, and all the "mis/inis" (camis, bikinis and minis) leap into my walk-in closet (score!) in all their not-there-ness. don't get me wrong. i'm not an exhibitionist. most of the time. but i love being able to let my skin breathe and get some sun. it also works for running and workout because i hate heavy sweat on clothes and sleeve chafing. hate. so, in this our beautiful spring weather, i can run around sans shirt (avec bra, of course, you sicko). and on the beach or by the pool? who doesn't love eschewing the towel and instead letting the sun and warm air slip the water drops off the skin?

and you know the BEST part about it? i don't care about the cosmo covergirls or whatever society fantasy about women and summer wear. it's awesome. i get to enjoy how natural everything feels and how (after the increase of good running weather) fit my body feels and how fun the family bbqs are. i'll go so far as to say that the family reunions are even fun. sort of. they're the best in the summer. anyway, instead of being a visual pleasure, it's so much more an internal pleasure provoked by the physical world around me.

so, if you see me this spring and summer, i'll probably be wearing my aaron chang swimwear or sandals or the sundress i bought in spain... all because of the sunshine.

if you break into a john denver chorus.... i kill you.

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