

chris and i need a vacation from our vacation. we're both thoroughly exhausted, him moreso than me. BUT. it's one of the best kinds of exhaustion in the world.

we went up to his brother Jay's house in NJ for his nephew's 3rd birthday. Tommy turned 3 yesterday, and Chris had never met him. The last time he saw his niece Julia was when she was 2. so we both knew that this was going to be a big weekend for him. what we didn't know (and weren't prepared for) was the legion of children that showed up at Tommy's various birthday fetes. Julia and Tommy's cousins came over and were swarming around the house. six of them are under 7, and 5 of them are little girls. everywhere. a plague of locusts, if you will. BUT, these are all very sweet and fun kids, so Chris and I happily threw ourselves on the grenade and played with them while the parents and grandparents got to rest. well, to be truthful, it was mostly Chris who took one for the team. i've never seen anything like it.

those little girls were climbing all over him (Chris Mountain) forthe whole of Easter weekend. he played with Tommy and had so much fun watching his nephew figure out how trains work. i think he really surprised himself--he'd never been around little kids much in his whole life, and here he was, having a blast and relating to them so well. all of the kids adored him, especially Julia. she would NOT let go of him for three straight days. at both the bbq and Easter brunch, when all of the other kids were called to their table to eat, she would tie herself to Chris's arm until one of the adults would invariably let her eat with him. and, for three straight days, i was almost entirely supplanted. but that was fine by me.

this was perhaps my favorite Easter ever. and i can't think of what else to say.

1 comment:

Nick said...

How trains work? How trains work?
Oh my...do I have a place to take that kid...well actually about 5 places to take him.