
8th grade graduation

well, three of my basketball girls graduated (?) from OLMC tonight. i include the question mark because i'm still not sure about calling it graduation when it occurs so early in the academic career... but i digress. anyway, alex, lindsey and taylor are all such wonderful young ladies, and i'm really glad to have had the privilege of working with them. they're parting ways and going to different high schools, and i know that each one will distinguish herself from her peers. i was asked to sing at the baccalaureate mass, which was something that i relished doing. i haven't been part of a music team in awhile, and it's very fulfilling, especially when it's in service to or honor of someone so deserving.

i didn't get a chance to talk to the girls very much, and if i'd been able to do so, i would have tried to impress one thing upon them; try to do your very best at living your own life. i grew up as a people-pleaser, and that is such a crippling way to live. realizing the joy of one's own personal freedom, finding that joy through confidence and courage, and taking the first step down new paths--those are all such exhilerating experiences! goals can be as wild and crazy as one can make them, and that can make them all the more fulfilling! for example, i plan to do my triathlon, despite the number of hurdles i've been meeting. that's a little crazy. even moreso, however, is my newest and most exciting goal: the valley of fire marathon near las vegas, nevada. how AMAZING is that?! run 26.2 miles through some of the most desolate terrain in the country! yeehaw!!

that's not normal. you can't be normal and be a distance runner and love it all at the same time. :) but, it's what makes me happy. and why go through life not doing things that make you happy? i plan on going back for the phD. sure, that'll throw some major wrenches into the financial end of things. nobody else in my family is doing it, and a bunch of my friends think i'm insane for wanting to do it. but it's what's inside me. it's who i am. and it makes me happy and whole.

whatever the Lord has planned for alex, lindsey and taylor, i hope that He helps them to seize their chance at living His gift of life with vibrance and passion. i hope that He shows them how awesome it is to see, accept, and strive for those aspirations that are the foundation of their identities. i hope that He will help all of us to be ignited about what He's making of us. we should all be so excited at what He has there waiting for us, if only we'd reach for it.

best of luck to my girls and all `07 grads!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm kind of with you. I think these "graduations" for pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, etc are starting to get a tad out of hand. But hooray to everyone passing a new grade!!