
marathon/running shirt suggestions

this is an off-shoot of kim's request for shirt opinions. it's probably adding to the confusion, but i can't help it. some of these are so true/ridiculous/hysterical that i HAVE to list them.

1) i like the running armadillo. i don't know why.
2) so true, so true... :D
3) this is more of a running workout emphasis, but if you know the term, it's pretty funny
4) the chickens ARE on a shirt!!!
5) ahhh, yes.. the arrogance of cross country runners *

* may not apply or be helpful at all to those who aren't fans of off-road running.

anyway, i might have just added too many ingredients to the pot of shirt choices, but i thought these were at least mildly amusing. what does that tell you about my sense of humor?


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