
swim shower at the walters!

great sound tonight. steve & co. played at the walters, which is a pretty big deal, considering what a cultural landmark it is in Baltimore. i'm really proud of the guys seizing that opportunity. they performed a lot of songs from their new cd, which is supposed to be released in ~1 month. you know i'll be picking up one of those. i went to one of their first shows in winter `06, and it's so amazing to see how much they've matured, musically speaking, since then. also, the instrumental texture and layering of their sound evolved, becoming much more sophisticated. it's fascinating to hear the blend of tones and timbre (sp?). they guys are also good showmen because their collective sense of humor brings laughter and levity between songs. they do a quality job of keeping the audience engaged in the set, which is can be difficult to do, considering some of the disastrous bands i've seen in the past. all in all, nice job tonight, and kudos to swim shower. here's to a bright future for you!

(L to R) jeff on lead guitar, steve on drums, brad on guitar and vocals, other jeff on bass, and ben on keyboard/guitar/trumpet/vocals. unfortunately, i couldn't manage to get ben in the first picture, and he was hiding behind his music and keyboard in the second one. d'oh!

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